Sometimes a song can lift you when you are down. A certain tune can bring back sweet memories or make you think of a wonderful time that lies ahead. Sometimes more than the lyrics, it’s the notes that make a first impression in your heart. The best way to feel good is to keep such a tune as your ringtone. As you get a call in the middle of a busy schedule, suddenly you feel divine, the tension is gone and you are lost and alone in midst of everyone.
When I first heart “Love Story” by Taylor Swift, I was experimenting with fresh country songs. The song struck me as a sweet love song, everyone has a love story and it was destined to remind me of mine. But as the initial phase passed out, I realised it’s the intro music which had caught my heart. The moment I heard the cute D progression, something nice happened inside. The lyrics are touching, as it’s always nice to hear a girl tell a boy “You are everything to me, I’m begging you, please don’t go....” The song starts with a sweet little rift which touches your heart and the lyrics are beautiful “We were both young when I first saw you, I close my eyes and the flashback starts, I’m standing there....” This will take everyone back to the moment when we first saw that special person in our life, because no matter whether we are in love or if we have love and lost, there are some ecstatic moments where the eye met the eye that we can never forget for the rest of our lives. The song is what it sounds, a love story, which might make you forget your present and plunge into the past if you are the romantic sorts.
“You Belong with Me” was the first Taylor Swift song I heard. A fast paced song with nice beats, this has a fresh lively feeling about it. It’s all about being so accustomed to having someone in your life that sometimes you do not understand her worth. How does she feel? Taylor Swift matches heartfelt lyrics with catchy tune and voila! You are obsessed! “I’m the one who makes you laugh, when you know you got to cry...”
And then I heard “White Horse”. Getting over someone is hard and the feelings that fall out of this song are priceless. Once your heart breaks, you are divided into two. One part of you wants back the life you had, because obviously that was divine, perfect. Losing someone could be sad, but looking back at millions of beautiful memories of togetherness makes the ordeal of life worthwhile. Moving on is harder when you cannot let go, you hold on to the many little precious moments and refuse to believe that things will be better. You forget the many times you have been let down, you just dismiss them. The other part is optimistic, looking forward towards a stronger self and a better life than what was. There is realisation of the truth... “I’m not a princess; this ain’t a fairy tale... I was a dreamer before you and you let me down; Now it’s too late for you and your white horse to come around...”White Horse is a really great song, in the way it makes you feel if you are going through the trauma or if you have a sane life, you can be moved by the sadness felt by the lady.
In the end I am completely smitten by Taylor Swift. Sweet voice, wonderful lyrics and heavenly tune! What more could a music lover want, I ask?

nice man!!!! i too like her songs!!! she has a great voice!!!!