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Krang Suri Falls: A long drive to Meghalaya's Masterpiece

Krang Suri Falls

There are few things in the world as exciting as the anticipation of a long-awaited trip. A lot of effort is required behind the scenes to script a successful trip, and it all starts with an idea. A brainwave. A craving for the road. 

A touch of Wanderlust.
"Isn't it strange that we have never been to Krang Suri Falls yet?"
That. That was the exact moment when it all started. Almost immediately, we were thinking about the trip. Soon enough, it was on our mind all day and then, all week. We began planning for the journey. We started scouting the route on the World Wide Web. And pretty soon, it was time to leave. 

The anticipation of a long-awaited trip hits its record high on the night before the journey. On a Friday evening, we finished our chores in time and hit the bed a little earlier. My seven-year-old son, however, remained deep in thought.
"What is it, Messi?"

"Do we have to leave at the break of dawn, Baba?" 


"What if I don't wake up?"

"Don't worry, I shall wake you up."

"I have a better idea. I won't sleep tonight. I will spend the night sitting here with my eyes open."

Thankfully, about ten minutes after this conversation, Messi was fast asleep, dreaming, of course, of the wide open road and green hills and pristine blue skies.

A 250km drive to the heart of Meghalaya

In the end, we couldn't leave at the crack of dawn but managed to hit the road at around quarter to six. The sun was up in the sky, ready to mark the start of a beautiful day. By 9:00 we had crossed Umiam Lake and were on our way to Jowai.

The untamed beauty of Meghalaya

We were a party of four and none of us had previously been on this part of Meghalaya. It is a beautiful state, perhaps one of the most beautiful in the country, but we were in for a treat. We drove through picturesque villages, the road winding through a sea of green. We crossed beautiful hillocks and valleys, each more captivating than the last.

Time appeared to stand still, urging us to pause for a picture at every bend on the road.

Beautiful Meghalaya

The weather gods appeared to be in a jovial mood, with alternate bursts of rain and sunshine keeping us company. But perhaps that is the beauty of Meghalaya or the abode of the clouds. Come rain or sunshine, here every moment takes your breath away. 

With Google Maps to keep us company, we soon crossed Jowai and proceeded towards Krang Suri Falls. We drove down, we climbed up, we passed isolated waterfalls buoyed by the recent bouts of rain, we saw secluded caves bask in the morning sun.

There's so much to love in rural Meghalaya.

Finally, we entered the sleepy town of Amlarem, cleansed by recent rains. Our destination was at the doorstep and that was when we experienced a shot of disappointment.

A dealbreaker at the end of the road!

The initial signs were ominous. The parking area at Krang Suri waterfall was almost empty, there were hardly any tourists around. Many of the shops were half open, an air of despair looming over them. We ignored the signs and proceeded towards the falls, only to be stopped by a charming army man.

"You cannot go down to the falls, my friend. It is closed. You can only go to the view point."

"Closed? But why?"

 Our faces couldn't hide our disappointment, but all we got in return was a sympathetic smile.

"There have been some problems. The fall is closed now."

"But why?"

No matter how many times we asked, the gentleman would simply smile in return. He advised us to walk a few steps to the viewpoint, click a few pictures, and return.

The sky had turned cloudy, the sun hiding behind a grey armor. A couple of drooped shoulders walked through the wet steps, heading towards the viewpoint. 

We clicked a few pictures as advised and headed back, a cloud of disappointment hanging over our heads. While little Messi was relieved that he wouldn't have to take the 20-minute hike downhill, even his spirits were affected by the abrupt end of our trip. 

"Where will we go now?"

His disheartened parents could only offer him a couple of sad smiles in return. 

The disappointment, however, wasn't enough to keep our bellies quiet. A collective growl gathered pace by the minute in our tummies, prompting us to scout the Amlarem market for a restaurant.

That was when we found the rainbow in our clouded sky. 

A hidden Culinary Gem lifts our Spirits!

Kibo Restaurant, the sign read, and we walked in, our spirits in the gutter. And the place immediately made us comfortable. We ordered Tea, Momos, Chicken Angara, Chapatti, Veg Pulao, Veg Manchurian, and Veg chowmin. 

Kibo Restaurant, a hidden gem near Krang Suri Falls

The staff were friendly, the price was reasonable, and the food? The food instantly dissolved our disappointment. It was delicious, it was satisfying. It reminded us that life can turn around in an instant. 

That even on your worst day, bad luck wasn't going to hang around forever. 

As we gorged our hearts out, the smiles returned to our faces. We laughed and found the courage to look beyond our little disappointment. We remembered our long journey and the gorgeous places that we had crossed. 

It's not the destination, it's the journey, Ralph Waldo Emerson had summed up best. 

We walked out of Kibo Restaurant, our bellies and hearts full, ready to face the world with renewed optimism. 

And our trip was about about to get better.

To be continued.....

Two days later, Argentina won the Copa America 2024

N.B. - Two Argentina fans took the opportunity to show their love to their favorite football team at Krang Suri Falls

Watch: A Video of our escapade - 

Krang Suri Falls Essentials:

Location: West Jaintia Hills

Nearest Town: Amralem

Nearest Airport: Shillong Airport - 94 km, Guwahati Airport - 202 km. 

Nearest Railway Station: Guwahati Railway Station - 179 km.

Best Time to Visit: Post Monsoon (September to December)

Tourism Officer Contact No.: +91 9436102544


  1. Very informative and well written. Well done


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